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1390, autumn Great plague in Novgorod the Great in autumn   Тои же осени бысть моръ силенъ велми в Новѣгородѣ; все лучися приити на ны по грѣхомъ нашим, велие множество крестиянъ умре по всим улицамъ; сице же знамение на людех: при смерти явится железа; пребывъ три дни, умре. Тогда же поставиша церковь святого Афанасиа въ единъ день, и свяща ю архиепископъ новгородчкыи владыка Иоанъ съ игумены и с попы и с крилосом святыя Софѣя; божьею же милостью и святыя Софѣя, стояниемъ и владычнимъ благословениемъ и преста моръ. [1] The same autumn there was a great plague in Novgorod; all this came upon us because of our sins; a great number of Christians died in all the streets. And this was the symptom in people : a swelling would appear, and having lived three days [the man] would die. Then they erected a church to St. Afanasi in a single day, and Vladyka loan, Vladyka of Novgorod, consecrated it, with all the Igumens and priests and with the choir of St. Sophia; so by God's mercy and the intercession of St. Sophia, and by the blessing of the Vladyka, the plague ceased. [2]

VN: 300.000
Great mortality in Rome, in Metz and in Liège.   In diebus illis fuit magna mortalitas hominum Rome et eciam Metis, specialiter supra Leodium. Dominus enim papa propter brevitatem vite humanae reduxerat quinquagesimum annum indulgenciarum ad XXXIII annos. Unde propter indulgencias multi peregrini et clerici hoc anno iruerunt Romam. Et nescio si ex corruptione aeris vel occulto Dei judicio propter multitudinem populi illuc convenientis fuit tunc tempus ibi carum in victualibus specialiter in pane, et magna mortalitas hominum ita quod plusquam CCC milia hominum ibi obierunt, ut famabatur. Ymmo etiam dominus papa Bonifacius fuit percussus illa infirmitate, sed per misericordiam Dei evasit et fugit usque Griet. [3] At that time, there was a great mortality in Rome, in Metz and especially in Liege. Understanding to the brevity of human life, the Pope reduced the jubilee cycle from 50 years to 33 years. Because of this new indulgences, many pilgrims and clerics went to Rome. And, I do not know if this happened because of a corrupted air or because of a secret divine judgment, but because of the multitude of pilgrims the price of food, especially bread, increased a lot. There was also a great mortality, so that it is said that 300,000 people died. Even Pope Boniface was affected by this disease, but thanks to God he escaped. (Translation: Thomas Labbé)

  1. Новгородская первая летопись младшего изводa, т. III, Mocквa: Языки Pyccкoй Kyльтypы, 2000, p. 383-384.
  2. The Chronicle of Novgorod 1016-1471 translated from the Russian by Robert Michell and Nevill Forbes […] with an Introduction by C. Raymond Beazley. London: Gray’s inn., W.C., 1914 (= Camden Third Series, Vol. XXV), p. 164.
  3. Anonymus: La chronique liégeoise de 1402. Kiessling et Cie, Brussels , p. 417