Template:1227-00-00-Bologna 003

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VN: 20
Famine, price increase and high mortality in Bologna.   Per Bologna et per tutta Italia quest' anno fu grande carestia, et valeva la corba del formento lire tre, intravene che la giobia santa facendosi l'ellemosian al vescovado, gli fu tanta la calcha che gli ne mor circa 20. E fu grande mortalità quest' anno per la cita e morireno molti gentilhomini. [1] For Bologna and all of Italy, this year was a great famine, and the forage was worth three lire, when the holy jewel was made to the bishopric, there was so much heat that about 20 died. And it was a great mortality this year for the citation and many gentlemen died.

  1. Giacomo del Poggio: Istoria di Bologna. Bibliotece Estense, Modena –1506, ISBN (Signatur)α. H. 3. 1. (Ital. 398) , p. 34r.