How to help
How to partizipate? | |
Dear colleagues, EMD is a collaborative project and we invite all scientists to participate. It is very simple and will help all current and future epidemic researchers. This requires three short steps: ⇒ The first step is to set up a user account. Please send a short e-mail to Thomas Wozniak (thomas.wozniak[at] ⇒ The second step is to enter brief information about yourself (if possible with ORCID) on your own user page in epimeddat. ⇒ The third step is to decide whether you are familiar with wiki systems, then use this template to enter epidemic information. Or if you are not familiar with it, then use this tutorial. One more request before starting: It has proven useful to first search for the source, the time frame (from start time to end time) and to create a short summary of the source and a translation. Then it is necessary to check whether the source has already been entered into the database. The following categories are available for this purpose:
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