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In 1578, a total of 2 epidemic events are known so far.

Locations and Spreading

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VN: 2500
A plague in Erfurt kills 2500 people.   In diesem iahr (1578) hat die pestilentz alhier zu Erffurd auch zimlich grassiert vnd sind in die 25 hundert persohnen in Erffurd gestorben. [1] In this year (1578), the pestilence also raged fairly strongly here in Erfurt, and around 2500 people died in Erfurt. (Translation: Martin Bauch)

1578 A plague in Jena forces the local university to relocate temporarily to Saalfeld.   In disem iahr (1578) hat man die hohe Schull von Jehna ein zeitlang gen Salveld von wegen eines pestilentzischen sterbens transferiren mussen. [2] In this year (1578), the university of Jena had to be temporarily transferred to Saalfeld due to a pestilential dying. (Translation: Martin Bauch)


  1. Johannes Wellendorf: Die Erfurter Chronik des Johannes Wellendorf (um 1590). Böhlau, Köln; Wien 2015 , p. 419.
  2. Johannes Wellendorf: Die Erfurter Chronik des Johannes Wellendorf (um 1590). Böhlau, Köln; Wien 2015 , p. 419.
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  "1578", in: EpiMedDat, ed. Martin Bauch, Thomas Wozniak et al., URL: http://epimeddat.net/index.php?title=1578. Last Change: 02.04.2024, Version: 7.11.2024.   All contents of EpiMedDat are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
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