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In 1494, a total of 2 epidemic events are known so far.

Locations and Spreading

  Date Summary  
1494, June A plague breaks out in Lyon.   Pestis letalis, que dicitur epidimia, in dicta villa Lugduni, in mense Junii, incepit vigere, adeo quod rex, regina et ceteri principes villam exierunt. Rex, regina, domini duces Aurelianis, Borbonii et ducissa Borbonii iverunt apud Viennam et a Vienna ad Valenciam Dalphinam. [1] A deadly plague, named epidemia, broke out in the city of Lyon in June, so that the King, the Queen and other prominent persons fled away from the city. The King with the Queen and the Duke and the Duchess of Bourbon went to Vienne, and then from Vienne went to Valence. (Translation: Thomas Labbé)

1494, August A plague affects the city and the surrounding region. Processions are organized to prevent massive death.   Illis diebus (beginning of August), quia pestis vigebat in certi locis Leodii et circumquaque, et populus timens eam, sicut communi proverbio, ut post guerras et famem communiter sequitur mortalitas, quas idem populus , proh dolor, dolorose expertus, tanquam in navicula fluctuanti navigans, ne in fluctibus undarum procelle pestis demergatur, ad Doinum Creatorem omnium ejusque Matrem omnium criminum ablutricem, omnesque sanctos, tanquam a Dominus pro nobis intercessores, pro corde converus est, ejusque interventu misse speciales in omnibus ecclesiis parochialibus sut celebrate, quique diebus continuis, atque processiones cum delatione Venerabilis Sacramenti, sanctorum sanctarumque imaginum ac aliarum raliquiarum, subsequente popula utriusque sexus devotissime ardentes candelas in manibus gestante, illis diebus quibus fiebant, totam per civitatem processiones, et hoc paulo post, videlicet vicesima tertia septembris. [2] (Translation needed)


  1. Benoît Mailliard: Chronique de Benoît Mailliard, grand prieur de l'abbaye de Savigny en Lyonnois (1460-1506). Louis Perrin, Lyon 1883 , p. 171.
  2. Jean de Horne: Chronique du règne de Jean de Horne. In: Chroniques liégeoises (= Académie royale de Belgique. Commission royale d'histoire, (Series I in-4°)). Brussels 1913, pp. 344-569 , pp. 490-491
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