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In 1439, a total of 18 epidemic events are known so far.

Locations and Spreading

  Date Summary  
VN: 8000
A plague causes great mortality in Basel during a famine. The death toll is estimated to 8000 dead people, both adults and children.   Anno Domini 1439 fuit magna karistia in Basilea, et etiam cum hoc fuit magna pestilencia et in orribilibus obierunt in numero plus qum octo milia hominum cum pueris; et presertim in ecclesia majori inter canonicos dominus Kaspar thesaurius, dominus prepositus Turicensis, dominus Michahel de Reno prepositus in Sancto Ursicino, et bene viginti cappelanos. [1] The year 1439 occured a great dearth in Basel. A pestilence broke out simultaneously and more than 8000 persons, adults and children, died dramatically. Among the canons of the cathedral died the treasurer master Kaspar, the prior master Turicensis, master Michael de Reno, prior of Sanctus Ursinus and 20 other canons. (Translation: Thomas Labbé)

1439 A German novice reports a lethal accident in Maulbronn monastery in which he was involved, but he pleads for his innocence: The victim might also have died of plague that ravaged the monastery at the time. Dating of incident and hence the plague outbreak can only be estimated.   Nicolaus Helwici de Wissenburgh acol. Spiren. dioc. exponit, quod c. ipse mon. o.Cist. in Mulbron Spiren. dioc. ingressus ibidem habitum novitiorum assumpsisset animo et intentione ibidem prof. emittendi, sciens sibi obstare, quod in puerili et. solacii causa saltavit retrorsum super tres scol. sibi invicem brachiis coherentes, ita quod ex hoc simul ceciderunt et unus ex illis adeo lesus, quod ex post infra octo dies obiit, quem tamen aliqui ex repugnantia obiisse reputant, eo quod in eadem domo tunc quidam alius a peste invasus fuit; c. igitur d. exponens premissa n. fecerit animo ledendi quemquam: petit decl. ipsum nullam irreg. maculam incurrisse et disp., ut prof. emittere [2] Nicolaus Helwici de Wissenburgh, acolyte of the Diocese of Speyer, explains that he, having entered the monastery of the Cistercian Order in Maulbronn, Diocese of Speyer, had taken on the habit of novices there with the intention of making his profession. However, he acknowledges that, for the sake of childish amusement, he jumped backward over three schoolmates holding onto each other's arms, resulting in all of them falling together. One of them was so severely injured that he died within eight days. Some, however, consider his death to be due to a different cause, as another person in the same house was then attacked by the plague. The aforementioned person, explaining these events, asserts that he did not harbor any intention to harm anyone. He requests a declaration that he has not incurred any irregular stain and asks for a dispensation so that he may proceed to make his profession. (Translation: Martin Bauch)

1439 Pestilence in Sweden in 1439 and in the Christian world   Item, pestilencia ingrassabatur per totam Sueciam et diversa loca Christianitas. [3] Furthermore, the plague ravaged all of Sweden and various places in the Christian world. (Translation: Carina Damm)

VN: one-third
Outbreak of plague all over Swabia and, probably, also in the monastery of Zwiefalten   1439. Regnavit pestilencia valdissima per totam Alemanniam, ita quod extimacione multorum tertia pars hominum videbatur obiisse [4] In 1439, a very severe pestilence reigned throughout all of Alemannia, such that by the estimation of many, one-third of the population seemed to have perished. (Translation: Martin Bauch)

1439, February 18 A German cleric fleeing the Roman Curia in Ferrara because of plague   Johannes Trut(te)man (Drutman, Trutmon) cler. Magunt., fam. Cosme de Medicis civ. Florentin. ( supplic. ) qui propter pestem a R. cur. se absentavit [5] JJohannes Trut(te)man (Drutman, Trutmon), cleric of the Diocese of Mainz, member of the household of Cosimo de' Medici, citizen of Florence, who, due to the plague, withdrew from the Roman Curia. (Translation: Martin Bauch)

1439, March 11 A German cleric, being at the Roman Curia in Ferrara caught plague and still suffers from the consequences   Johannes Tzeven (Tzenen) presb. Bremen. dioc., cui de can. et maior. preb. eccl. Lubic. (10 m. arg. ) vac. p. resign. [ex causa perm.] Johannis Wessel olim fam. Martini V. prov. est qui temp. quo R. cur. Ferrarie residerat peste afflictus erat ex quo adhuc patitur gravi passione in crure eius sinistro quare pro recuperatione sue sanitatis a R. cur. se absentavit et ad patriam rediit [6] Johannes Tzeven (Tzenen), priest of the Diocese of Bremen, to whom the canonicate and a major prebend of the church in Lübeck (10 marks of silver) became vacant through resignation [for a certain reason] by Johannes Wessel, formerly in the service of Pope Martin V. During the time when the Roman Curia resided in Ferrara, he was afflicted by the plague, and since then, he still suffers from a severe ailment in his left leg. Therefore, for the recovery of his health, he withdrew from the Roman Curia and returned to his homeland. (Translation: Martin Bauch)

1439, April 1 A German cleric flees the Roman curia because of a ravaging plague in Ferrara   Gerardus de Vonderen de Capella cler. Colon. dioc., p. multos an. R. cur. secutus in ea laborando, a qua recessus est ad partes suas ob metum pestis in civit. Ferrarien. vigentis et reversus ad eam Florentie commorantem [7] Gerardus de Vonderen de Capella, cleric of the Diocese of Cologne, having served at the Roman Curia for many years and having worked there, withdrew to his homeland due to the fear of the prevailing plague in the city of Ferrara. After returning to Florence and residing there, he returned to the Curia. (Translation: Martin Bauch)

1439, April 4 A Dutch cleric can't come to the Roman curia because of a ravaging plague in Ferrara   Gerardus Florencii de Leydis cler. Traiect. dioc., cui tunc in 14 an. sue et. constit. conc. est gr. expect. s.d. 24. apr. 31 ad benef. ad coll. abb. etc. Egmonden. et abbe. etc. in Reynsburg o. s. Ben. d. dioc., ad pres. in 21 an. sue et. constit. qui propter pestem in civit. Ferrarien. a R. cur. se absentavit [8] Gerardus Florencii de Leydis, cleric of the Diocese of Utrecht, to whom, at the age of 14, the great expectation of a benefice at the College of Abbots of Egmond and the Abbey of Reynsburg, under the jurisdiction of the Diocese of Utrecht, was granted on April 24, 1431. Right now he is 21. Due to the plague in the city of Ferrara, he has been absent from the Roman Curia. (Translation: Martin Bauch)

1439, June 24 – 1439, August 24 A horrible plague raged in Silesia starting around the feast day of St John the baptist (June 24) and lasting for two months.   Pestis horrenda. Eodem anno circa festum sancti Johannis baptiste exorta fuit valida et horrenda pestilentia in Silesia et aliis regionibus, que duravit ad duos menses. [9] Horrible plague. In the same year (1439) around the feast of St John the baptist arose a strong and horrible plague in Silesia and other regions which lastest for two months. (Translation: Christian Oertel)

1439, July – 1440, January 6
VN: 4.000
A plague in Thuringia and the Harz region, but also Constance causing mortality and description of symptoms   Anno 1439 war ein groß sterben vber alle welt, vnd fieng sich an in Duringen vnd am Hartz, vmb die Ernte, vnd wehret biß auf der heiligen drey Konige tage <6. Januar>, wen die pestilentzische gift ergrief, der lag drey tage vnd nacht nacheinander vnd schlief. Vnd wen er dan aufwachet, so begundte er als balt mit dem Tode zu ringen, biß die Seel ausgieng. Das nennet man das grosse sterben davon schir in allen historien findet. Stumpf schreibet das allein zu Costnitz in x monden bey 4000 menschen gestorben sindt. [10] In the year 1439, there was a great mortality across the world, which began in Thuringia and the Harz region around harvest time, and lasted until the Feast of the Epiphany. Those who were affected by the poisonous plague would lie unconscious for three consecutive days and nights. When they woke up, they would immediately begin struggling with death until their soul departed. This event is known as the Great Death, which is extensively documented in historical records. Stumpf writes that in just ten months, around 4,000 people died solely in Constance. (Translation: Martin Bauch)

1439, July Great plague in the country and famine.   En cely temps avoit générale pestilenche par tout paiis, et nonobstant que les biens estoient beaux aux champs, si estoient encors les bleis et frumens bien chiers. [11] In this time was a pestilence everywhere in the country. And althought the crops were abundant in the fields, wheat and cereal prices were still high. (Translation: Thomas Labbé)

1439, July 6 A procession is organized in Constance against the plague.   Anno 1439 gutemtag vor Sant Margrethen tag (8 July) do tett die statt von Costenz ainen cruzgang für die pestilencii mit aller priesterschafft. [12] In year 1439, on the monday before Margaret Day, a procession has been celebrated in Constance because of the pestilence, with all clerics of the city. (Translation: Thomas Labbé)

1439, July 11 A German (cleric) leaves the Roman Curia in Ferrara because of fear of plague   Johannes Mey R. cur. p. longum temp. secutus a qua se ob timorem pestis absentavit. [13] Johannes Mey, having followed the Roman Curia for a long time, withdrew from it due to the fear of the plague (Translation: Martin Bauch)

1439, August 9 A new altar is dedicated in the church of St-Severin, because of the mortality.   Et le IXe jour d'awoist fut consecreit à Saint-Severin un noveale aytre, por la grande mortaliteit, et portat-ons le Sacrement altours. [14] August 9, has been dedicated a new altar in St-Severin with the Sacrament carried around, for the mortality. (Translation: Thomas Labbé)

1439, August 18 A procession is organized in the city against the mortality.   Et le XVIIIe jour d'awoist, ly vynale d'isle entirement, engliezes et abbies, fisent procession entour le vinale, et chant-ons messe speciale à Saint-Poul, et fut fait I sermon depriant Dieu de cesseir la grant mortaliteit. [15] And on the eighteenth day of August, all the island's inhabitants, young and old, made a procession around the church, and sang a special mass in Saint-Paul, and a sermon was given deprying God to cease the great mortality. (Translation: Thomas Wozniak)

1439, November Nils Stensson, member of the Council of Sweden (riksråd) dies of the plague, and not because the imperial regent Karl Knutsson, the later King Karl VIII, had him imprisoned   til norköpung fördis niels tha, ther döde han aff pestilencia [16] to Norrköping was Nils then led, where he died of the plague (Translation: Carina Damm)

1439, November 10 – 1439, December 27 A plague pained the town of Łekno from the feast day of St Martin (November 11) to after christmas.   Item sub anno 1439 pestis urgebat in Lekna sicut ante festum sancti Martini usque post festum Nativitatis Domini. In qua peste terminum vite sue finiverunt: honorabilis dominus Michael plebanus medie partis in Lekna cum sororio suo Mathia de Poszlugowo rectore schole. [17] Under the year 1439 a plague arose in Lekno shortly before the feast day of St Martin (November 11) until after the feast of the birth of the Lord (December 25). In this plague finshed their lives: the honourable Michael, priest in the middle part of Lekno together with his brother Matthias of Poszlugowo, the headmastesr of the school. (Translation: Christian Oertel)


  1. Erhard von Appenwiler: Die Chronik Erhards von Appenwiler (1439-1471). In: Basler Chroniken. 4, S. Hirzel, Leipzig 1890, pp. 221–355 , pp. 251-252
  2. RG Online, RPG I 00528, URL: Repertorium Germanicum Online
  3. Claes Gejrot: Vadstenadiariet. Latinsk text med översättning och kommentar. Stockholm 1996, p. 224
  4. Anonymus: Annales Zwifaltenses. In: Monumenta Germaniae Historica (= MGH Scriptores). Hahnsche Buchhandlung, Hannover 1852, pp. 51–64 , p. 63
  5. RG Online, RG V 05882, URL: Repertorium Germanicum Online
  6. RG Online, RG V 06074, URL: Repertorium Germanicum Online
  7. RG Online, RG V 02178, URL: Repertorium Germanicum Online
  8. RG Online, RG V 02176, URL: Repertorium Germanicum Online
  9. Sequuntur gesta diversa transactis temporibus facta in Silesia et alibi, in: Scriptores rerum Silesiacarum, vol. 12, ed. Wachter, p. 37-86, 53
  10. Johannes Wellendorf: Die Erfurter Chronik des Johannes Wellendorf (um 1590). Böhlau, Köln; Wien 2015 , p. 134
  11. Jean de Stavelot: Chronique de Jean de Stavelot. Hayez, Brussels , p. 436
  12. Anonymus: Kostanzer Chronik von 307 bis 1466. In: Quellensammlung der Badischen Landesgeschichte. 1, Karlsruhe 1848, pp. 309–349 , p. 341
  13. RG Online, RG V 05131, URL: Repertorium Germanicum Online
  14. Jean de Stavelot: Chronique de Jean de Stavelot. Hayez, Brussels , p. 438
  15. Jean de Stavelot: Chronique de Jean de Stavelot. Hayez, Brussels , p. 439
  16. Gustaf Edvard Klemming: Nya eller Karls-Krönikan. Början af Unions-Striderna samt Karl Knutssons Regering. 1389–1452. (= Svenska Fornskriftsällskapets Samlingar (SFSS)). P.A. Norstedt & Söner, Stockholm 1866 , p. 223, col. 6514-15
  17. Notae Leknenses, in: Monumenta Poloniae Historica, vol. III, p. 255
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