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In 1428, a total of 3 epidemic events are known so far.

Locations and Spreading

  Date Summary  
1426 – 1428 A mortality breaks out all over the region of Constance for three years.   Anno 1426, was ain grosser sterbat in allen landen und der werot by drin jaren. [1] In year 1426 was a great mortality, that persisted for three years. (Translation: Thomas Labbé)

1428, March 1 – 1428, December 25
VN: 30-40
A mortality strikes Magdeburg for 9 months, mainly lower social stratas are affected. There is a considerable number of apparent deaths among the victims of this disease.   In dem sulven jare was hir grot pestilence. De enstunt ersten in der vasten und warde wente to winachten, und storven doch nich tvele namhaftiger lude, doch worden grote burkulen to sunte Johannes gegraven, und mang den doden in den burkulen stonden ein deils wedder up des anderen und des dridden dages wol bi 30 edder 40 minschen . [2] In the same year (1428) there was a great epidemic here. It first began during Lent and lasted until Christmas. Few notable people died, but large mass graves (literally: peasants' mounds) were dug near St Johannes. Some of the dead in these mass graves rose again the next or third day, totalling between 30 and 40 people. (Translation: Martin Bauch)

1428, May 23 – 1428, December 25 A plague strikes Limburg.   Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo vicesimo octavo fuit magna pestilencia in Limpurg a festo penthecostes usque ad nativitatem Cristi. [3] In the year of our Lord 1428, there was a great pestilence in Limburg from Pentecost until the Nativity of Christ. (Translation: Martin Bauch)


  1. Anonymus: Kostanzer Chronik von 307 bis 1466. In: Quellensammlung der Badischen Landesgeschichte. 1, Karlsruhe 1848, pp. 309–349 , p. 329
  2. Heinrich von Lammespringe: Die Magdeburger Schöppenchronik (= Chroniken der Deutschen Städte). Hirzel, Leipzig 1869 , pp. 378-379
  3. Tilemann Elen von Wolfhagen: Die Limburger Chronik des Tilemann Elhen von Wolfhagen. (= Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Deutsche Chroniken (MGH. Dt. Chron.)). Hahn'sche Buchhandlung, Hannover 1883 , Limburger Annalen, p. 114
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