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In 1368, a total of 2 epidemic events are known so far.

Locations and Spreading

  Date Summary  
1367, August – 1368, August
VN: 1000
A deadly disease (wabāʾ) hit Egypt in 769 H (August 28, 1367 to August 15, 1368). It lasted about four months. The daily death toll reached 1,000 and more.   ' [1] (Translation needed)


  1. Ibn Ḥabīb, Badr al-Dīn Abū Muḥammad al-Ḥasan b. ʿUmar al-Dimashqī al-Ḥalabī: Tadhkirat al-nabīh fī ayyām al-Manṣūr wa-banīhi. 3 vols.. Cairo , vol. 3 (1986), p. 312
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  "1368", in: EpiMedDat, ed. Martin Bauch, Thomas Wozniak et al., URL: http://epimeddat.net/index.php?title=1368. Last Change: 17.10.2023, Version: 12.11.2024.   All contents of EpiMedDat are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
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