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In 1311, a total of 2 epidemic events are known so far.

Locations and Spreading

  Date Summary  
VN: 10.000
The army of the Roman-Germanic King Henry VII. is decimated by epidemics during the siege of Brescia   Multi quidem de exercitu mortui sunt ferro, alii vero epidemia crudelissima in omni parte praedicti exercitus continue vexati, absque nullo remedio mortui sunt quasi tertia pars eorum; equi eorum et iumenta a muschis occisa in magna quantitate. [...] Multa mala passus est Henricus, et gentes eius, expensis, ferro, peste, et epidemia; dicitur communiter, quod ibi mortui sunt plusquam decem millia viri bellatores [1] Many from this army were killed by fighting, but othery by a most cruel epidemic that hit everywhere in the aforementioned army. Without any remedy a third part of them died; and their horses and draft animals were killed by the mosquitos in large numbers [...] Henry had to suffer a lot of evil things: Expenses, war, plague and epidemics. Many people said that there died more than ten thousand fighters (Translation: Martin Bauch)

1311 – 1312 Strong price increase, many deaths caused by famine and a desolation in Piacenza   Eodem anno & anno sequenti fuit fames valida in Placentia, & valuit starius frumenti soldos XXX, starius milii soldos XX, starius milicae soldiso XVI, et starius sicalis soldos XXIV. Et dicto anno innumerabiles per Civitatem Placentiae cadentes mortui sunt fame & pestilentia; & tunc Civitas Placentiae quasi tota fuit depopulata & evacuata Populo et laboratoribus. [2] (Translation needed)


  1. Guglielmo Ventura: Memoriale Gvilielmi Ventvrae civis Astensis de gestis civium Astensium et plurium aliorum. In: Monumenta Historiae Patriae, Scriptores. 3, Tipografia Regia, Turin 1848, pp. cols. 701–816 , Sp. 780
  2. Giovanni Mussi: Chronicon Placentinum ab a. CCXXII usque ad a. MCCCCII (= Rerum Italicarum Scriptores). Milano 1730, pp. 447–634 , p. 488
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  "1311", in: EpiMedDat, ed. Martin Bauch, Thomas Wozniak et al., URL: http://epimeddat.net/index.php?title=1311. Last Change: 17.10.2023, Version: 7.11.2024.   All contents of EpiMedDat are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
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