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In 1285, a total of 9 epidemic events are known so far.
Locations and Spreading
Date | Summary | T |
1285 | Great plague in Iceland (Westfjords) in 1285 | Sott mikil vm vest fiorðv. [1] | Great plague in the Westfjords. (Translation: Carina Damm) |
1285 | Connection of epidemic deaths and animal disease | Et nota, ut etiam alibi me dixisse recordor, quod ista est regula generalis et firma, quia, quotienscumque boum precedit mortalitas, totiens sequenti anno hominum mortalitas subsequatur. Idem post famem que precedit accidere consuevit ut mortalitas hominum similiter subsequatur. [2] | (Translation needed) |
1285 VN: 2000 |
Epidemics in Tivoli. | 1285 - Honorius quartus cum cardinalibus suis, in civitate Tyburtina; et fuit ibi mortalitas maxima, usque adeo grandis quod solummodo de forensibus mortui sunt ibi duo milia hominum. [3] | In 1285 Pope Honorius IV, with his cardinals, (ws) in the city of Tivoli; and there was a great mortality there, so great that only among outsiders two thousand men died there. (Translation needed) |
1285 | Fever epidemic in Lucca | Eodem anno fuit epidemia de tertianis in qua multi sunt de dicta aegritudine mortui, et praecipue qui fuerunt in exercitu supradicto [4] | (Translation needed) |
1285 | Epidemics near Parma and Rome with many deaths. | De magna mortalitate hominum que in diversis partibus mundi fuit. Item, millesimo supraposito, in villa Pupilii, que est in episcopatu Parmensi, infra tres menses LXXX homines mortui sunt. Nam ista est regula generalis sive argumentum probatum, ut quotiens boum precedit mortalitas, totiens sequenti anno hominum mortalitas subsequatur. Et eodem millesimo in urbe Romana maxima fuit mortalitas et infirmitas, ita ut mitrati inter abbates et episcopos a Pascha usque ad Assumptionem beate Virginis sub papa Honorio quarto XXIIII morerentur. [5] | About the great mortality of men which occurred in various parts of the world. Likewise, in the aforementioned year, in the village of Pupilii, which is in the diocese of Parma, within three months, eighty men died. For this is a general rule or proven argument, that as often as there is a mortality among cattle, so often in the following year there follows a mortality among men. And in the same year, there was a great mortality and sickness in the city of Rome, so that between Easter and the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, twenty-four mitred abbots and bishops died under Pope Honorius IV. (Translation: Martin Bauch) |
1285 | A great mortality among nobles in Thuringia, but unclear if disease-induced | Anno Domini 1285. magna mortalitas desevit in nobiles Thurinigie. Nam vix infra dimidii anni spacium nobilis vir marchio Theodericus de Landisberc et comes Albertus de Orlamunde et frater eius comes Otto, comes Heinricus de Swarczburc et comes Albertus de Glichinstein et multi alii ministeriales et nobiles mortui sunt. [6] | In the year of our Lord 1285, a great mortality raged among the nobles of Thuringia. For scarcely within the span of half a year, the nobleman Margrave Dietrich of Landsberg, Count Albert of Orlamünde, his brother Count Otto, Count Heinrich of Schwarzburg, Count Albert of Glichinstein, and many other officials and nobles perished. (Translation: Martin Bauch) |
1285, Summer | Severe plague among cattles. | Pestilentia pecudum solito maior per totam estatem duravit, ita ut in Augusta non decima pars vaccarum remaneret viva. [7] | The plague of cattle lasted longer than usual throughout the entire summer, so that in the month of August not even a tenth part of the cows remained alive. (Translation: Thomas Wozniak) |
1285 | Epidemic and famine among Tatars and Rus soldiers in Carpathian Mountains. | Быс[ть] идоущю окан[ь]номоу и безакон[ь]номоу Ногаеви и Телебоуѕѣ с ним[ь],воевав[ъ]шим[ъ] землю оугор[ь]скоую. Ногай поиде на Брашевь,а Телебоуга поиде поперекь горъ, што бѧше переити треми д[ь]ньми, и ходи по л҃ д[ь]невь блоудѧ въ горах[ъ], водим[ъ] гнѣвом[ь] Б[о]жїим[ь], и быс[ть] в них[ъ] голѡд[ъ] велик[ъ], и начаша люди ӕсти. Потом[ь] же начаша и сами покарѧти, и оумре их[ъ] бесчислен[ь]ное мнѡж[ь]ство. Самовид[ь]ци же тако рекоша: «Оумръших[ъ] быс[ть] р҃ тысѧч[ь]». Окан[ь]ныи же и безаконный Телебоугь выйде пѣшь съ своею женою ѡ одной кобылѣ, посрамлен[ъ] ѡт[ъ] Б[ог]а. [8] | The cursed and lawless Nogaj started back with Telebuga, after they had pillaged the Hungarian land. [Then they separated], and Nogaj set out for Brašev, while Telebuga went through the [Carpathian] Mountains, which one could cross in three days. But he wandered thirty days in the mountains, driven [back and forth] by God's wrath. A great famine arose among [his men] and they began eating [their captives?]. Then they started dying themselves [so that] a countless number of them perished and eyewitnesses testified that there was a hundred thousand dead. [Finally] the cursed and lawless Telebuga made his way on foot out [of the mountains] with his wife and one mare. [And thus he was] shamed by God. [9] |
1285, March | Plague of fleas in Italy. | Anno siquidem Domini MCCLXXXV, indictione XIII, quem millesimum superius etiam inchoavimus, totus mensis Marcii pulicibus plenus fuit, et ita abundaverunt pulices per totum mensem illum, quod, si essent in media estate, superflui viderentur et essent. [10] | Indeed, in the year of our Lord 1285, in the thirteenth indiction, which we also mentioned earlier, the entire month of March was full of fleas, and fleas abounded throughout that whole month to such an extent that if it were in the middle of summer, they would seem excessive and plentiful (Translation: Martin Bauch) |
- ↑ Annales vetustissimi. In: Gustav Storm: Islandske Annaler indtil 1578. Kristiania 1888, p. 50
- ↑ • Salimbene De Adam: Cronica / Salimbene de Adam (= Scrittori d'Italia). Bari 1966 , p. 862
- ↑ • Salimbene De Adam: Cronica / Salimbene de Adam (= Scrittori d'Italia). Bari 1966 , p. 861.
- ↑ • Ptolemaeus Lucensis: Annales Ptolemaeus Lucensis. In: Cronache dei Secoli XIII e XIV (= Documenti di storia italiana. 1). Florence 1876, pp. 35–104 , p. 94
- ↑ • Salimbene De Adam: Cronica / Salimbene de Adam (= Scrittori d'Italia). Bari 1966 , p. 849
- ↑ • Anonymus: Chronicon S. Petri Erfordensis moderna (= MGH Scriptores rerum germanicarum). Hahn, Hannover 1899, pp. 150-398 , pp. 287-288
- ↑ • Anonymus: Annales Sancti Rudperti Salisburgensis. In: Monumenta Germaniae Historica (= MGH Scriptores). Hahnsche Buchhandlung, Hannover 1852, pp. 8–11 , p. 10, l. 18.
- ↑ Monumenta Poloniae Historica, Nova Series, Vol. XVI: Chronica Galiciano-Voliniana. Chronica Romanoviciana, ediderunt, praefatione notisque instruxerunt, D. Dąbrowski, A. Jusupović, Kraków-Warszawa 2017, p. 525-527; See https://rcin.org.pl/ihpan/dlibra/publication/223688/edition/190072/content
- ↑ The Hypatian 1973. The Galician-Volhynian Chronicle: The Hypatian Codex part two, translation, George A. Perfecky, München 1973: Wilhelm Fink Verlag (Harvard Series in Ukrainian Studies 16, II), p. 96
- ↑ • Salimbene De Adam: Cronica / Salimbene de Adam (= Scrittori d'Italia). Bari 1966 , p. 839.
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