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In 1227, a total of 5 epidemic events are known so far.

Locations and Spreading

  Date Summary  
1227 Famine, price increase and high mortality in Bologna   Magna fames fuit in civitate Bononiae et per diversas partes et valuit corba frumenti tres libras et fabarum xlviij soldos, speltae soldos xxxiiij et melegae xxviij soldos [...] Fuit magna mortalitas tam in divitibus, quam in pauperibus personis [1] There was a great famine in the city of Bologna and in different areas and wheat was 3 pound and fabarum 48 Solidi, speltae 34 Solidi and melegae 33 Solidi. [...] Because of a great mortality a lot of poor people died. (Translation needed)

1227 Famine, epidemic and price increase in Bologna; Contado hit even worse; deserted village; Bishop's alms end in mass panic with deaths   In questo anno vi fu una gran carestia in Bologna, come ancora da crudelissima peste, in maniera che molti dei nobili nella città morirono, ma nel contado infiniti perirono; percioche le Castella entire andarono in esterminio [...] in questa penuria in Bologna valse lo staio dell' grano tre lire, la fava soldi vintiotto, la spelta soldi quatordici, et la mollidura soldi quindici, et il duccato d'oro si spendeva per soldi [1]30. Il che mosse il Vescovo della Città il Giovedi Santo a invitare tutti i puoveri a pigliare per carità il pane dove concorse tanta multitudine che ventiquattro per la folta turba morirono: perche ciaschun bramava d'essere il primo, essendo dalla fame. [2] In this year there was a great famine in Bologna, as there was also a cruel plague, so that many of the nobles in the city died, but countless perished in the countryside; therefore the entire Castella went into extermination [...] in this scarcity in Bologna, the staio dell' grano was worth three lire, the fava bean was worth eight hundred soldi, the spelt fourteen soldi, and the mollidura fifteen soldi, and the dukedom of gold was spent for money 130. This moved the Bishop of the City on Holy Thursday to invite all the people to take bread for charity, where so great a multitude gathered that twenty-four died because of the large crowd: because each one yearned to be the first, being from hunger. (Translation: DeepL)

VN: 20
Famine, price increase and high mortality in Bologna.   Per Bologna et per tutta Italia quest' anno fu grande carestia, et valeva la corba del formento lire tre, intravene che la giobia santa facendosi l'ellemosian al vescovado, gli fu tanta la calcha che gli ne mor circa 20. E fu grande mortalità quest' anno per la cita e morireno molti gentilhomini. [3] For Bologna and all of Italy, this year was a great famine, and the forage was worth three lire, when the holy jewel was made to the bishopric, there was so much heat that about 20 died. And it was a great mortality this year for the citation and many gentlemen died.

1227 Epizootic in 1227 in western Iceland   Þessi vetr var kallaðr sandvetr, ok var fellivetr mikill ok dó hundrað nauta fyrir Snorra Sturlusyni út í Svignaskarði. [4] That winter was called sandwinter, and it was a very hard winter when hundred of Snorri Sturluson's cattle died out in Svignaskarð. (Translation: Carina Damm)

1227, Winter High mortality in Iceland in 1227 as consequence of a "sandwinter", here possibly referring to eruptions in the Reykjanes volcanic system recorded in the Icelandic annals for 1226.   Sandvetr. […] Manndauðr mikill. [5] Sandwinter. […] High Mortality. (Translation: Carina Damm)


  1. Matteo Griffoni: Memoriale Historicum de rebus Bononiensium (= Rerum Italicarum Scriptores (RIS²)). Città di Castello 1902 , p. 9
  2. Anonymus: Cronica di Bologna. Biblioteca Universitaria, Bologna, ISBN (Signatur)BU 3670 , p. 82
  3. Giacomo del Poggio: Istoria di Bologna. Bibliotece Estense, Modena –1506, ISBN (Signatur)α. H. 3. 1. (Ital. 398) , p. 34r.
  4. Íslendinga saga. In: Kristian Kålund: Sturlunga saga efter membranen Króksfjarðarbók udfyldt efter Reykjarfjarðarbók, I. København 1906-1911, p. 386
  5. Annales regii. In: Gustav Storm: Islandske Annaler indtil 1578. Kristiania 1888, p. 127; https://icelandicvolcanos.is/
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